Thursday, March 27, 2014

Boy Crazy

Dear Dr. Sadie,

How do you know if a boy likes you?

- Wondering

If he spends tons and tons of time with you, he likes you. I wonder if you want this boy. You're a girl, of course. So I think you want this boy to like you.

He should say nice things about you and go on dates with you. You should go out to eat to a restaurant. I think you should go to McDonalds. They serve such good food like Chicken Nuggets. And it comes with prizes. If you want to win a prize, go to McDonalds. [Singing] Old McDonald had a farm, EIEIO. I guess they named the restaurant after the song. Who does something like that - naming a restaurant after a song? My friend Errol named a Lego after me, so I guess it's OK.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dr. Sadie Gets Creative

Dear Dr. Sadie,

All my life, all I ever wanted was to be an inventor. I worked menial jobs and raised my family, but now I have the chance to follow my dream. I've set up a workshop in the basement, and it's time to get inventing. There's only one problem. I don't know what to invent. 

Can you help me, Dr. Sadie? What's the greatest thing anyone's ever invented? What does the world need for someone to invent now?

- Apparently Not Edison

You should invent a spring that you can jump up and down with so you can get up to windows and put stickers on them.

You should be an inventor like Flint Lockwood (ed. note: from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs). He invented a machine that turns water into food.

Maybe you should make a wood chipper that chops wood all by itself.

Maybe you could make a letter-maker machine that puts real letters together to make words, like the whole alphabet.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

What's in a Name?

Dear Dr. Sadie,

I come from a large family. I am one of seven brothers and sisters. I'm the 5th in the line, and I'm 8 years old. Being so close to the end, without being the youngest means that I don't get heard very often. When we argue and fight, my oldest brother, Mike, or my youngest sister, Lisa, usually get their way.

We just brought home a new dog. He's very cute and loving, but we can't agree on what to name him. I thought that this time, instead of arguing until Mike and Lisa win, you could settle it for us. So what should we name the new dog?

- Middle Child

You could name the dog Sally. Sally is a very pretty name. I thought you'd like to give the dog a pretty name. Is the dog pretty?

You could name the dog Woofie. That's a good name for a boy dog.

Sometimes people name dogs after people who are really special. You could name your dog after someone special. My family has a great dog named Spike (ed. note: an 85-pound Basset Hound, and the coolest dog ever). You could name your dog after him.

You could also name your dog Roger, after Mr. Rogers. He's a pretty cool person. He's the coolest person in the world.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Higher Office

Hi Dr. Sadie,

I am five years old and in Kindergarten. I really want to be President of the United States one day. What should I do so that I can be President one day?

- Future Executive

Try really hard to grow up to be nice and kind and that kind of thing. You should try to be really helpful to everybody.

The President has to be funny. He tells funny jokes all the time, even though he knows the answers to them. Are you funny? Do you know jokes?

The President spends all day going to meetings and telling funny jokes. That's really all he does. If you want to be President, you should learn how to tell good jokes and go to meetings. The President also keeps us all safe.