Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stinky Dogs Don't Bite

Dear Dr. Sadie,

I have a big, loveable dog. His name is Tootie. He's everything anyone could want in a dog - cuddly, affectionate, well-behaved and friendly to strangers. The problem is that he smells terrible. He has a room-clearing stench. I don't mind so much, but it's making my social life disappear. What should I do?

- Tootie Lover

My Grandpa has a dog named Nellie. She's really smelly. She's especially smelly when she goes down to the river. Maybe you should keep Tootie away from the river. You could give him a wash. You should use shampoo all over him, because he's very hairy. Dog hair is called fur. You could wash him in kiwi water and dandelion water, so he would smell nice.

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