Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What a Turkey!

Dear Dr. Sadie,

Please help me. I'm livid. 

It's always been a dream of mine to see Constantinople, but I've never had the money. I've been saving my pennies for a very long time. My husband and I have never made much money, but we've been frugal, and we were able to put the kids through college, save enough for retirement, and pay off our debt completely. Through it all, and entirely through my efforts I managed to save enough money for my husband and I to spend a month in Istanbul, seeing all the sights and staying in nice places.

Yesterday my husband surprised me for my birthday with a brand new convertible. I have never wanted one (but he always has). When I asked him where he got the money he said, "I raided that dumb vacation fund. It's not like we were ever going anyway."

I am speechless. What should I do?

- No Turkey for Me, Thanks

You should make your own store with money in it (like a bank), then you could get your own money from the bank and then you could take all of the money out of the bank and then you can use it to go on your trip.

You should also find a new husband. You can look for a new husband when you go to Constantinople. I bet there's a good husband there.

Another way you can make money is for you to find people who have ducks. If the ducks have a baby, and they need someone to take care of it, they might pay you to raise the baby duck for them.

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