Sunday, August 4, 2013

Star Struck

Dear Dr. Sadie,

What is a good way to become a movie star?

-Star Struck

You need to be in movies a lot and get good at it. After that, you become a movie star. Once you're a big movie star, you'll be in movies ALL THE TIME (Dr. Sadie shakes her hands out very wide). 

It's great to be a movie star. If I were a movie star, I'd be in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I'd like to be Flint Lockwood, and I'd get to meet Sam Sparks. I'd love to meet her. She's so cool - she works in the weather news TV thingy. I love weather reports. 

When you're a movie star you get to be in a really good column, and you get to sing songs in movies. You could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Princess Comes Home. 

Janya, Janya Princess comes home.
Here's the unicorn.
Janya, Janya Let's go home.
So she rides the unicorn home. 
Shoot your star in the sky.
It's so shiny and beautiful.
La la la la la.

Another good way to be a movie star is to be a special shape - you know, like a movie star shaped person. (Dr. Sadie strikes a "glamorous" pose.)

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