Monday, December 10, 2012

Wedding Bells on the Sleigh

Dear Dr. Sadie,

My boyfriend and I just got engaged. We set a date for next year on Christmas Eve. We are planning a Christmas-themed wedding. What can we do to make the celebration for both our wedding and our favorite holiday?

Christmas Bride

You could mix it up with Christmas and then make another holiday - like Hanukah. You could also put holly wreaths on the door. You could decorate the whole room with holly berries, chains of green and blue, and plastic Christmas trees.

You could wear a wedding dress that is green and red, instead of white. That would be Christmasy, because those are Christmas colors. Instead of the wedding songs, you could play the Charlie Brown music (editor's note: "Charlie Brown music" = "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.")

You should serve Christmas food, like chicken nuggets and Christmas Pie, wrapped in holly berry paper. At the party, you could open the paper, and there would be a pie, which you could cut into pieces, then sploosh into people's faces. Then they would lick it off and say, "this pie is delicious."

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