Saturday, July 6, 2013

I Sell Cars, Not My Soul

Dear Dr. Sadie,

I sell cars. I'm really good at it. I've sold lots of cars to lots of people. Usually they end up with a good car that meets their needs, and everyone walks away from the transaction feeling good about it. 

Recently, my bosses have started asking us to "upsell" more and more. I have to ask people to buy cars that really don't fit them. Many people have left and mentioned that they were long time customers, but won't be coming back. I'm starting to hate it.

I'd like to get out of this industry to do something else, but I'm not sure what I can do. What can a 40 year old car salesman do for an encore career, Dr. Sadie?

- Sold Out

You could just go home and play car sale. Or maybe you could sell some of your old toys.

You could be a firefighter. I love watching the firefighter show. When you're a firefighter, you get to save other people. That's a good thing. What if people got on fire? Then you could save them.

If you can't be a firefighter, you could be a police officer. Then you could help people cross the road.

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